Alejandro Tasistro atasistro
  • Joined on 2020-09-23
atasistro pushed to feature/modelos-y-migraciones at rho/pedi3 2024-03-12 23:56:19 -03:00
09a024b69d seteo de timestamps al insertar
5ea06ff003 timestams innecesarias
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atasistro pushed to feature/modelos-y-migraciones at rho/pedi3 2024-03-12 22:33:17 -03:00
f8239a624d chunk size
atasistro created pull request rho/pedi3#3 2024-03-12 22:30:41 -03:00
atasistro pushed to feature/modelos-y-migraciones at rho/pedi3 2024-03-12 22:29:15 -03:00
atasistro created branch feature/modelos-y-migraciones in rho/pedi3 2024-03-12 22:29:15 -03:00
atasistro pushed to feature/productos-y-categorias at rho/pedi3 2024-03-12 22:28:45 -03:00
3a36da6077 logica para parsear productos y categorías de csv
5391f15a1b abreviación
9fbfcf9e0a campos rellenables
c18f745fab columna para abreviación
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atasistro created branch feature/productos-y-categorias in rho/pedi3 2024-03-12 22:28:44 -03:00
atasistro closed pull request rho/pedi3#1 2024-03-12 20:52:00 -03:00
atasistro pushed to develop at rho/pedi3 2024-03-11 20:02:19 -03:00
3fbe4844e8 re-agregadas cosas a .env.example
atasistro created pull request rho/pedi3#2 2024-03-11 19:58:50 -03:00
atasistro pushed to feature/pedido-y-chismosa at rho/pedi3 2024-03-11 19:56:01 -03:00
1129a9e11b definicion de pedido y migracion de productos_pedidos
983b63897d definicion y migracion de producto sin nada
12634329bc definiciones y migraciones de pedido
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atasistro created branch feature/pedido-y-chismosa in rho/pedi3 2024-03-11 19:55:59 -03:00
atasistro created pull request rho/pedi3#1 2024-03-11 19:15:35 -03:00
atasistro pushed to feature/barrios-y-regiones at rho/pedi3 2024-03-11 19:14:28 -03:00
2a5cf1ccd9 Cambio orden columnas
atasistro created branch feature/barrios-y-regiones in rho/pedi3 2024-03-11 19:10:50 -03:00
atasistro pushed to feature/barrios-y-regiones at rho/pedi3 2024-03-11 19:10:50 -03:00
2f29b1c34c seeder de barrio con barrio prueba de region prueba
eba87feb91 definiciones y migraciones de region y barrio
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atasistro pushed to master at nathalie/pedi2 2024-03-11 15:34:41 -03:00
b19556fd39 Cambio seeder bonos
35b0533664 Canasta 99
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atasistro pushed to develop at rho/pedi3 2024-03-05 17:58:34 -03:00
8ce2f76079 Ignorando la carpeta public
45627cb460 Detalles
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atasistro pushed to develop at rho/pedi3 2024-03-05 17:53:50 -03:00
818421bf69 Agregado puerto a APP_URL
be753e1813 Instrucciones de instalación en README y cambios a .env.example
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atasistro created branch develop in rho/pedi3 2024-03-05 17:53:50 -03:00