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# Pedi2
Aplicación de pedidos del Mercado Popular de Subsistencia.
Pedi2 está hecha en Laravel 7 y utiliza laravel7-docker de dyarleniber.
Se utilizan los siguientes servicios, separadamente:
- `app`, un servicio que corre PHP7.4-FPM.
- `db`, un servicio que corre MySQL 5.7.
- `nginx`, un servicio que usa el servicio app para parsear código PHP antes de servir la aplicación de Laravel al usuario final.
## Pre-requisitos
- docker
- docker-compose
## Instalación
1. Una vez descargado el proyecto, hacé una copia del archivo `.env.example` que se encuentra en la raíz del proyecto y nombrala `.env`. Seteá los valores correctos - específicamente, para las variables, `APP_URL`, `DB_USERNAME` y `DB_PASSWORD`. Prestá atención a que `DB_HOST` sea el nombre del servicio que corre MySQL (por defecto `DB_HOST=db`).
2. Construí la imagen de la app
docker-compose build app
3. Cuando termine, levantá los contenedores:
docker-compose up -d
El ambiente ahora está andando, pero necesitamos ejecutar un par de comandos para terminar la instalación de Laravel. Podemos usar `docker-compose exec [nombre-del-servicio]` previo a un comando para ejecutarlo dentro del contenedor.
4. Terminá de instalar las dependencias de la app, según fueron definidas en `composer.json`.
docker-compose exec app composer update
5. Generá una clave de aplicación. Esta clave se usa para encriptar datos sensibles.
docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate
6. Corré las migraciones y seeders de Laravel
docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate --seed
7. Copia el token que se imprime al correr los seeders. Lo necesitamos para autenticar las llamadas que hagamos desde nuestro cliente web
Ahora la aplicación está corriendo y la podés ver en el puerto 8000 de tu dominio o IP. En caso de que estés en tu máquina local, la vas a ver accediendo a `http://localhost:8000` desde tu navegador.
Podés usar el comando `logs` para ver los logs generados por tus servicios:
docker-compose logs nginx
## Services description
### Dockerfile
Although both `db` service and `nginx` service, will be based on default images obtained from the Docker Hub, the `app` service will be based on a custom image created by the `Dockerfile`.
The `Dockerfile` starts by defining the base image `php:7.4-fpm`.
After installing system packages and PHP extensions, the Composer will be installed by copying the composer executable from its latest official image.
A new system user is then created and set up using the `user` and `uid` arguments that were declared at the beginning of the `Dockerfile`. These values will be injected by Docker Compose at build time.
> This new system user is necessary to execute Laravel Artisan and Composer commands while developing the application. The `uid` setting ensures that the user inside the container has the same `uid` as your system user on your host machine. This way, any files created by these commands are replicated in the host with the correct permissions. This also means that you’ll be able to use your code editor of choice in the host machine to develop the application that is running inside containers.
Finally, the default working dir as `/var/www` and the newly created user are set. This will make sure you’re connecting as a regular user, and that you’re on the right directory, when running Laravel Artisan and Composer commands on the application container.
### PHP service
The `app` service will build an image called `laravel-image`, based on the `Dockerfile` previously created. The container defined by this service will run a php-fpm server to parse PHP code and send the results back to the nginx service, which will be running on a separate container. The mysql service defines a container running a MySQL 5.7 server. All these services will share a bridge network named `app-network`.
The application files will be synchronized on both the `app` and the `nginx` services via bind mounts. Bind mounts are useful in development environments because they allow for a performant two-way sync between host machine and containers.
Inside the `app` container you will be able to execute command line tasks with the Laravel Artisan and Composer.
The `app` service will set up a container named `laravel-app`. It builds a new Docker image based on a `Dockerfile` located in the same path as the `docker-compose.yml` file. The new image will be saved locally under the name `laravel-image`.
The `volumes` setting creates a shared volume that will synchronize contents from the current directory to `/var/www` inside the container. Notice that this is not your document root, since that will live in the nginx container.
Another file which will be synchronized is the `local.ini` file from the directory `./php/local.ini` to `/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/local.ini` inside the container.
The `local.ini` is the configuration file (php.ini) that is read when PHP starts up.
### Nginx service
The `nginx` service uses a pre-built Nginx image on top of Alpine, a lightweight Linux distribution. It creates a container named `laravel-nginx`, and it uses the ports definition to create a redirection from port `8000` on the host system to port `80` inside the container.
The `volumes` setting creates two shared volumes. The first one will synchronize contents from the current directory to `/var/www` inside the container. This way, when you make local changes to the application files, they will be quickly reflected in the application being served by Nginx inside the container. The second volume will make sure the Nginx configuration file, located at `./nginx/conf.d/app.conf`, is copied to the container’s Nginx configuration folder. This configuration file will configure Nginx to listen on port `80` and use `index.php` as default index page. It will set the document root to `/var/www/public`, and then configure Nginx to use the `app` service on port `9000` to process all the php files.
### MySQL service
The `db` service uses a pre-built MySQL 5.7 image from Docker Hub. Because Docker Compose automatically loads `.env` variable files located in the same directory as the `docker-compose.yml` file, you can obtain the database settings from the Laravel `.env` file.
The `volumes` setting creates two shared volumes. The first one will make sure the MySQL configuration file, located at `./mysql/my.cnf`, is copied to the container’s MySQL configuration folder. The second volume will share a `.sql` database dump that will be used to initialize the application database. The MySQL image will automatically import `.sql` files placed in the `/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d` directory inside the container.
The `environment` setting defines environment variables in the new container. You can use values obtained from the Laravel `.env` file to set up the MySQL service, which will automatically create a new database and user based on the provided environment variables:
## References
- https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-set-up-laravel-with-docker-compose-on-ubuntu-20-04
- https://docs.docker.com/
- https://docs.docker.com/compose/
- https://github.com/dyarleniber/laravel7-docker
- https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/installation